Celebrating "May"- Nostalgic Rewind


Holidays,sweltering summer,ice creams,curd rice-pickles and visiting grandparents, all best portray the month of May for me. As a kid my summer holidays were never complete, without visiting my patti and thatha's place. Growing up as a single kid, the prospect of seeing my uncles,aunts and cousins kept me eager and excited. Days were packed with lot of indoor and outdoor activities. TV watching was sporadic and internet was unheard of in those days. Grandpa encouraged us to play carom and chess, grandma had her own tricks to keep us occupied.She ensured we recited our daily prayers, taught us to draw kolams and always kept our tummies happy, with her delicious cooking.The sounds of banter, sharp hum of the carom striker,trying to keep up with my grandpa's passion to "clear" the board , recurrent creaking of the gate signalling the arrival of a visitor, lingering aroma of the day's lunch, humid afternoons had a remarkable way a of working its magic and often lulled me to sleep.However long i spent my holidays here, it was never enough. The longer i stayed, the more difficult it was for me to return home and my parents had a tough time with that. I was so smitten with the place and people, i literally had to be dragged out of the house.

Though there is a lot that has changed, the charm and appeal of this place has never faded, it has lived with me while i traversed various stages of my life and now into my adulthood. Reminiscing my past, i cant help feel a bit of nostalgia and also wonder what makes this place so special until this day..Is it the people, the house itself or simply the memories..Well, whatever it is, it has never failed to make the month of "May" memorable.

2 comments: (+add yours?)

Hema said...

Good old days ...nostalgic....I would add some more to it like playing outside on the street (never bothered about the vehicles ...it was a blessing since it happened to be a dead end!...and eating the food on the terace (nila choru), playing trade, pallankuyi, chozhi.. I feel sad that the coming generations will never get to enjoy such things...

Thanks for the article..I was transformed to a different world for few minutes.....I bet no one would have heard wonderful vacations as we did!!

Hema said...

I like the new pictures on your blog....forgot to mention about it in my earlier comment!

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