And The Award Goes To...

Movies can be a refreshing experience, provided you pick the right one. I used to be a big fan of horror movies as a kid, though i did not get to watch many of them. The sudden screams and the scary faces used to thrill me and never did i have dreadful dreams in the night. It's all a different picture now. Horror, murderous crimes , psycho movies are a strict no. The after math of seeing such movies is indescribable.So, i'm totally into the friendly animation and comedy flicks these days.Animation movies bring out the marvels of technology and as they evolve, they are closer to portraying the characters in flesh and blood.Every time i watch these movies i'm "wowed" by them. For me, it's movie entertainment at its best.As for the comedy flicks, what can be better than enjoying a good belly laugh that can keep you going for the rest of the day. It can be a mindless babble, still you can credit it for making you laugh or bringing in that smile on your face.

We don't need murder movies anymore, its shown on TV all the time. The terror attacks and killings are enough to keep us spooked..May be that's the reason i no longer enjoy the horror movies, because we get a load of disturbing and eerie happenings, real-time from morning till night.To counter this unnerving effect of scary events, the best bet will be to catch a comedy flick/sitcom/animation, which can simply be healing.:)

4 comments: (+add yours?)

Hema said...

First to read the post (yesterday as well as today's)....I am enjoying them....keep them coming....waiting for the next one!! Have a great weekend dear.......

Krish said...

somehow I am never able to write comments properly. I start typing and suddenly it disappears ...

here goes ...

I take exeception to the idea that the world nowadays is more bloody. I think in fact that is because of the increased awareness of the value of life. Yes, there are wars all around the world. But pragmatically, life has become better. The life expectancy has increased everywhere in the world. We are moving towards a more stable population. We are in a more pleasant phase of things. I am not saying this is the way the world is going to be. More likely than not, it is not a mirror of the future. But then, the present going of life is remarkably progressive. For instance, women have more freedom today. Homosexual lifestyles are slowly being viewed tolerantly. While 250 years ago, one third of men could have a voice in government (in the western world), the idea of democracy has come a long way. Yes, man still has not learnt to live responsibly, but slowly we are getting there. Yes, man is not much a social animal as he used to be. Emotional dependence on others is now a profession rather than friends and family. Past is a blurry feeling. World moves at 140 characters a minute and most of us do not understand most things that happen in the world. But the society as such has become better...
Ramblings apart, I do like animation movies too :D

Unknown said...

Wow Girl ..!!! am impressed with your blogs..very interesting and a fantastic insight into your life in Ameriika..

SS said...

@hema..thks sis, have a great time in Vegas..@Krish..that's a huge comment and it has a serious tone to it, that said, i do see your point of view, really happy that you took time out to drop in here,@shobita..welcome to "My World" and thanks for stopping by, greatly motivating

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